Kenny Chesney’s released a new song called “Noise“. It’s a big change from his light hearted “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service” style. Instead of talking about his laid back life, he’s challenging all that’s wrong with American culture.
What Does Kenny Chesney, kids shorts and being outraged have in common? Keep reading to find out.
I just heard “Noise” on the radio for the first time a few days ago. It really resonated with me.
You can take a listenbelow – it will be thought provoking for you too, even if you aren’t a country fan.
“Twenty-four hour television, get so loud that no one listens
Sex and money and politicians talk, talk, talk
But there really ain’t no conversation
Ain’t nothing left to the imagination
Trapped in our phones and we can’t make it stop, stop”
Exert from Noise by Kenny Chesney
Kenny talks about what is wrong with society today.
We’re too connected with technology – we rarely have silence or time to think.
Lax morals abound – de-sensitizing us to things that should be unacceptable – and would have been 20 years ago.
Is Technology Too Helpful?
Technology is almost too convenient – addicting actually.
Have you ever considered intentionally disconnecting from technology – TV, phones, etc… It is a goal of mine – and still one I have to conquer.
Have you ever sat down at your computer to look something up and 30 minutes flew by in what seemed like an instant? I know I have.
We are distracted most of the time – bombarded with images of sex and violence. Think about the most popular TV shoes – sex and violence.
What Morals are We Teaching Our Children?
Kids are exposed to sex, violence, and foul language more than ever. What kind of example are we setting for our children? What message are we sending them about how they should act as adults?
I know I want only the best for my kids – and I bet you do too.
Women have become objects – modesty is out the window! It’s almost expected for girls to dress in skimpy clothes, even at a young age.
Just look at these pictures of children’s clothing. I struggle to find girls shorts that are a longer length (and the short shorts are what my daughter wears under skirts).
Check out this picture – it is a size 8 girls shorts compared to a size 5 boys shorts. Really?

Boys jeans shorts are a size 5 Girls pink plaid shorts are size 8 Blue girls shorts are size 10/12
Below is another example of how short girls shorts are compared to boys:

Right – 12 month boy camo shorts Left – 3T girls purple shorts
My son’s 12 month shorts are the same size as my daughters 3T shorts? Come on clothing manufacturers!
Kenny Chesney’s new song “Noise” is calling out the loose morals of Americans – and it can be seen down to how short little girl’s shorts are! You should be outraged like I am!!
I made a video too so you could see the shorts length easier:
The loss of modesty has long reaching effects. In the US – our kids have sex younger than other countries. Here is a great article if you are interested in learning more.
Our kids are preoccupied with so much just like us – unfortunately TV and the internet are flooded with the wrong images. What are we feeding our kids brains?
Being Present is So Hard
The constant stream of information makes it hard to be present – we’re addicted to noise. We rarely just sit in silence. Look around in a waiting room – almost everyone is on their phone.
I’m reading a book called the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It’s a great read if you are interested in being more present in your everyday life.
It’s about focusing on the now and being present and content with the present moment. Sounds easy yet it’s so hard!
In the back of our mind we’re thinking about something we have to do – make dinner, pay a bill, run an errand, make a phone call… A thousand little things that are clogging up our minds and keeping us from being truly present.
Eckhart Tolle does a much better job of explaining it than I do.
If Kenny Chesney’s new song “Noise” struck a chord with you – I’d suggest you pick up the book or check it out of your local library.
What do you Do to be Present?
Tell me in the comments below how you keep yourself on track to minimize the distractions. Technology can be a great thing – and a vice at the same time.